c/Pedres Blanques, 33 Sant Quirze del Vallés

937210678 / 690944124 info@llarinfantslamarieta.com


– Educational contents developed by professors with a degree in the respective area.

– Cabinet of psycho pedagogical literature, for tutors and families.

– Facilities adapted for children at a learning stage.

– Interior designed to guarantee the security of children.

– Activities designed to respect the learning rate and maturity, of each individual..

– Morning service (07:45am – 09:00am).

– Evening service (05:00pm – 06:00pm).

– Service of dining room and siesta (12: 00pm -15: 00pm).

– Musical stimulus through knowledge of instruments, and ear for music/hearing.

– Focus on the English language, by simply speaking English within school premises, and thereby encourage and take advantage the different levels of knowledge the children might already possess, in the English language.

– Cultivation and stimulus in environmental values.

– Ecological nutrition, nutritionists for infants/children supervise the menus.

– School the uniforms are provided (track-suits, summer gear, dresses e.t.c.)

– The 400 square meters garden, is ideal for multiple activities. Not only for “free play” but also for activities of psychomobility or simply for observation of nature.

– Organic garden.

Learn more about us in our web sections: THE SCHOOLFACILITIES, THE TEAM, FEES and OBJECTIVES

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